4 » Μυστική ζωή του Πλαγκτόν
Δημοσιεύτηκε από billpits , 21 Nov 2012 19:27 | Επεξεργασία
Τελευταία τροποποίηση την 12 Sep 2016 20:42
Secret Life of Plankton
by Tierney Thys (Marine biologist)
Numerous species of krill inhabit the world’s oceans (One world ocean Ocean Literacy). One particular species, Antarctic krill, has made headlines lately because of its alarming decline. What’s driving this decline? Why is Euphausia superbain (Euphausia superba?) such an important species? Research the issue and identify what, if anything, can be done to curb the loss of Antarctic krill. Second, imagine that the stock of Euphausia superbain (superba) is wiped out. What impacts do you foresee within the Antarctic food chain, and what would the impacts be for humans? Some good sources of information include:
Antarctic Krill Conservation Project
Nature: Ecologists fear Antarctic krill crisis (09/01/2010)
The New York Times: Team tracks a food supply at the end of the world (03/13/2012)
The ocean plays a vital (and often under- appreciated) role in sequestering carbon—something that’s become increasingly important as the planet’s human inhabitants increase their carbon emissions. What role do plankton play in creating this incredible “carbon sink”? Investigate the roles of phytoplankton and zooplankton like copepods, krill and other organisms. Create a diagram that explains how the ocean captures carbon and how different types of plankton are involved.
Tara Ocean expedition: an exploration of plankton in all oceans
NASA Earth Observatory: What are phytoplankton?
The New York TimesDot Earth: On plankton, warming and whiplash (04/26/2011)
Πηγή : TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing
